안녕하세요 아름다운 사람들

“The rain is falling all around, It falls on field and tree, It rains on the umbrellas here, And on the ships at sea.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Haluuu semuanya, hahaha. So today I'll be writing in Indonesia mix with English language in the honor of my Jakarta friend which is Reflia Monica. Ya gue itu selalu manggil dia sama panggilan "Monic" aja selalunya. Sebenarnya, gue ga tau tau banget kapan officialnya our friendship hahahahaha. Tapi kalau apa yang gue inget sih, I met her on our Management class by Sir Zairiza. First time gue nampak dia, gue tu kayaa, "Anjir nih orang pergi ke kelas, pakai baju batik segala lagi, kaya gabenur gabenur yang lagi ada talk gitu loh." Hahahahah. Mon, please don't hit me ya if you read this, I know I am hilarious but I love you hahaha. Maafin Poyong ya hahahahah. 

Ni cuman belakangnya aja yaa. Dia itu memang natural cantiknya. Dari belakang aja uda cantik.

Banyak orang yang bilang kalau mukanya Monic itu kaya Marshanda. Kalian tau kan Marshanda itu siapa? Ya siapa yang ga kenal sama pelakon "Bidadari" itu hahah. Mukanya Monic tu persis kaya Marshanda. Ga percaya? Liat aja gambar gambarnya nanti. Pasti kalian kaya tercengang gitu haha. 

Ni gambarnya Marshandaa

Ini gambarnya bestfriend gue, Monic. Tukan SAMA GILA KAN?! daebak

She's so pretty. Yang gue suka kawan sama Monic sih, dia itu baik banget sampai dia sanggup lakuin apa aja sama orang yang dia sayang. Makasih Mon. Thank you so much for being there when there is nobody else. Thank you so much! I love you Mon! Sarangheyoee. Loh adalah antara temen gue yang gue bisa ajak berantem and then terus baik lagi kaya ga ada apa apa yang berlaku karna kita berdua cool gitu loh hahahahahaha. 

Semoga cepat bertemu dengan jodohnya ya hahaha. Khawin nanti gue jangan dilupain Mon.

I wish you, all the best ya Mon! Nanti jangan lupa gue once you udah sampai Wales, graduate, punya "someone" and seterusnya hahahah. Gue harap loh cepet cepet pakai dress ya hahaha. Gue harap you jangan ubah who you are because that's makes you beautiful just the way you are. Gue ga akan pernah lupa Monic yang selalu ceria, selalu ada disisi, cool, swag and of course full of sense of humors. kahkahkah

Me with Reflia Monica. Mon, I love you. Thanks for everything!

Gue tulis ini diblog gue pada tanggal 29 June 2016 which is the day after our presentation of Investment Analysis. I'm so grateful because I got her as my group member. She so dedicated and helpful at the same time. Thanks again Mon. I don't know what will happen to us in the future but I hope after I graduate, I will see you again. hehe. You such a good friend and I will never forget you. You're one of the kind. Thanks for everything, thanks for your love and I just want you to know that I will be missing you and POYONG LOVE YOU!!!! :') <3


Poyong Jose


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About Poyong Jose

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Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
I have always been an achiever, be it academics or professional life or sports or any other field in my life. I believe in success through hard work and dedication. My motto in life is to ‘If you want something, work hard and you will achieve it. there are no short cuts’. I enjoy life to the fullest and love humor. I am a progressive thinker respect each person’s space and values.

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